Top 10 anecdotes about Slovenia!

Top 10 Fun Facts about Slovenia! If you want to know 10 Fun Facts about Slovenia, you've come to the right place, WELCOME in da place. Are you ready to be amazed? Slovenia is a country in Central Europe, bordering Italy and therefore very close to us. And yet, it...

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Doing an internship in a start-up in Slovenia

Is a start-up internship in Slovenia what you're looking for? Well, it's a good thing, because since the end of the crisis in 2012-2013, Slovenia has become a very attractive country for start-ups. And a whole bunch of them are succeeding! Like "Initiative Start-up...

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Internship in Slovenia

A work placement in Slovenia? An opportunity to discover a Western country. Yes, the West. We often tend to associate Slovenia with Eastern Europe, and yet it borders Italy, and in terms of atmosphere, you're almost in Italy! It's a country full of opportunities, and...

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Culinary specialities in Sweden

Culinary specialities in Sweden

A blog to help your taste buds travel before you leave for your work placement in Sweden: culinary specialities in Sweden! There are lots of them, and they're a cultural marker that sets France and Sweden apart from each other; but that's not the only one, young...

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Cultural differences between Sweden and France

Cultural differences between Sweden and France

Hej! Welcome to the blog about the cultural differences between Sweden and France. Before you leave for your work placement in Sweden, this article will help you understand what separates us from our Nordic friends, and you'll be able to take it into account to help...

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Internship in Sweden

Welcome to the internship abroad blog! Your work placement in Sweden? It means doing your international work placement (or work placement abroad: call it what you like!) in one of the countries that is regularly voted (alongside Denmark) the happiest country in the...

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Internship in Greece

An internship in Greece is an excellent opportunity to combine work and pleasure. The country offers many possibilities, and there's something for everyone. Greece is a geographically very diverse country, from Macedonia to the islands of the south and east of the...

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