Internship in The Netherlands : International Horizons helps you to go on an internship in Europe.

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Informations about The Netherlands

Flight tickets from 30€



Schengen visa

Your experience in The Netherlands

A taylor-made internship in The Netherlands : most of our internships offers are located in Rotterdam or Amsterdam. Going on an intenrship abroad is still a great experience to improve your skills, as english !

The Netherlands offers many internships opportunities, but most of companies require an excellent english level to welcome you. As in Italy or Germany, The Netherlands are a super country in order to have an internship in import / export. 

Amsterdam is very touristic – and they are a bit fed up with that – so you can meet people from all over Europe. Amsterdam, as Brussels, Paris, Berlin, London, is one of the big european capital. It’s also one of the country to have an intenrship in finance : by the way, it’s in The Netherlands that the first stock exchange has been created : stock exchange for tulipe bulb.

So, all is possible for your next experience in The Netherlands ! Don’t forget that it’s really important to have a good english level (B2 – C1) to have an internship there. We won’t accept your request if you don’t get it ; not to penalize you, but to make you have an excellent experience abroad. 

To have an internship in The Netherlands, just sign in, a team member call you back in the next 48H ! Let’s go !

Blog about The Netherlands 

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