Internship in cyprus
Internship in Cyprus : International Horizons helps you to go on internship in Europe ! A taylor-made internship abroad.
Informations about cyprus
Flight ticket from 50€
Greek and Turkish
Your experience in Cyprus
Doing an internship in Cyprus is the guarantee of a sunny intenrship abroad, in the most southern country of European Union. Cyprus is a mediterranean island which, like Malta, enjoys a strong tourist demand and is a big producer of oil, and aslo citrus fruits, among other things.
Before to go on internship in Cyprus, you must know about it geopolitical situation : Cyprus has a militarized border with Turkey. What does it involve ? Nothing. We have been there : it’s just a border with check point, as many other countries get.
The big disavantadge of Cyprus is a bit like all southern european countries, as Greece and Italy : it can be really hot during summer, and, most of the traders don’t accept any credit card. And, no : I don’t insinuate that people do not like to pay taxes.
There is many opportunities for your internship in Cyprus : as in Malta, all is possible for your practise abroad. The country is a big importer and, exporter. They are particullary involved in treatment of rainwater and saltwater because the majority of the drinking water is imported, and it’s really expensive : cola is cheaper than water !
Discovering Cyprus is really interesting : the country wakes up between Greek culture and Turkish culture, so they get benefits from Muslim and Christian influences ! And its influences are everywhere, management, architecture and also cooking. When you go to Cyprus you can find many restaurant for 2€, and, in village, some of the bar don’t even get barman : you serve yourself and just let the money on the counter !
Cyprus is full on surprises ! If you want to get your next internship in Cyprus, just contact us as we can find you the best internship abroad.
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