Become an International Horizons Ambassador! This year, International Horizons officially launches its new ambassador network: a team of motivated students from all over Europe! And of course, each participant is rewarded! But first, what is International Horizons?

International Horizons
Nothing new under the sun: a placement agency for students wishing to do an internship abroad. But where it changes: we digitalize part of the job, and the rates are not 1500€ for an internship in Europe, but only 200€. What’s more, it’s without obligation. And you only pay if we find the internship, and you accept it, and the agreement is signed.

Who can become an ambassador?
Motivated students! Simply put. It doesn’t matter where in Europe! The ambassador team is already present in several schools in France, Spain and Greece. To apply, just send an email to and tell us about your current curriculum, your school and we’ll call you back!

What are the advantages of being an International Horizons Ambassador?
Apart from the ultimate happiness of being in a team of madmen, depending on your involvement: we find you your internship abroad for free. And you’re right to be greedier than that? We’ll make you a little family surprise pack with everything you need for your internship destination; and if you really send some pate, we’ll pay you a return ticket to Europe, with the person of your choice. Of course, becoming an International Horizons ambassador does not involve any expense, it’s all about making a difference!

Want to know more? You want to apply? Then go — >