Doing your BAC PRO Sales internship in Cyprus

Doing your BAC PRO Sales internship in Cyprus

Doing your Bac Pro Sales internship in Cyprus: you’ve stumbled here because you want to know whether or not doing your internship abroad is a good idea? Welcome to International Horizons, the blog for internships abroad. And Cyprus is one of my favorite...
Local customs in Cyprus

Local customs in Cyprus

Are you planning to go to Cyprus for your internship? But do you really know this country in the eastern Mediterranean Sea? The presidential republic is located 60 km from the Turkish coast and 100 km from the Syrian coast, between Europe and the Middle East. The...
Top 10 most fun cities in Cyprus

Top 10 most fun cities in Cyprus

Top 10 most fun cities in Cyprus! Your work placement abroad is in Nicosia? But where else can you go in Cyprus during your work placement? Here’s a quick overview: Lanarca If you’re looking for a destination that combines beach, culture and authenticity,...
Top 10 fun facts about Cyprus

Top 10 fun facts about Cyprus

And if for your next internship, in Cyprus, I gave you 10 anecdotes about the country so that you can have a taste! I let you have a look. A little history… Cyprus played a great role in the history of ancient art. Indeed, it was famous thanks to its numerous...