Today Déborah, who has just graduated from a marketing training course, shares with us her testimony about her internship in Spain ?
Your internship, was it everything you expected?
“I did my internship in Madrid in a company that sells Spanish wines and spirits as a marketing assistant. This internship allowed me to discover that this position in a company is very varied, such as the preparation of marketing campaigns, the analysis of results and the creation of publications on Facebook in order to boost the company’s page”.
What did you like about your new country?
“What I liked about Spain was the discovery of another state of mind. The Spanish women are very welcoming and relaxed and they know how to make us feel at ease.”
And if you had to do it again, would you go back through International Horizons? Why would I do that?
“Yes, I’m going back with International Horizons because you were on top. What I appreciated in the search for the internship was first of all the introduction through a telephone interview to know our expectations of the internship we are looking for and then a special mention for the weekly follow-up.”
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