What to do in case of emergency during your internship abroad? You can well organize your internship and once you have started, realize that this internship is not for you. However, you have to prepare for it, even if it does not happen often. The International Horizons team will give you some advice if your internship is not going in the best conditions both professionally and personally.
Health before all !
If your case requires urgent care, it is obvious that the very first thing to do is to call for help, to see a doctor or to get you to the emergency room. REGISTER THE NUMBER BEFORE YOUR START YOUR INTERNSHIP. If you are doing an internship in Europe, you certainly have the health insurance card of the European Union and you can benefit from completely free care. And, anyway, once again before going on an internship abroad, you have to take an insurance to cover yourself: in life, you never know how to use Magic System & Leslie.
A family emergency
Unfortunately it can happen, I have myself experienced (true!) During one of my internships abroad. Companies are understanding, in case of death, diseases etc. you can stop your internship, or take a week to go home. Everyone is free to choose their option: I personally recommend taking a break and then coming back. Continue, it helps to move forward.:) If you can not explain your departure, or do not wish to do it to the company: you write an email, you call us, we arrange!
Physical aggression
The first thing to do is to consult a doctor. Depending on your destination, it will be more or less simple then to file a complaint. The second thing is to call the French consulate, or the embassy, and if there is none. Any one from a country of the European Union: you must be accompanied in your steps. Then send a copy of your complaint to France. It is unlikely that this will succeed, but it is better to prevent, if only for insurance.
But I reassure you, this blog will not be useful for you : everything will be fine during your internship abroad! Contact us 😉