Good morning fellas ! How are you doing mate ? This is Hugoin the ouin-ouin and I’m going to tell you about my latest Irish epic! A popular destination for schools and for those of you who contact us individually, Ireland has rapidly established itself as the English-speaking destination alongside Malta. In fact, if you’d like to find out more, read Seb’s thoughts on Malta here. But let’s get back to the point: you’re here to read about my experience in Ireland, Session Dublin.
Lezz go
Dublin facts and figures: all the practical information you need for your internship in Ireland
I went there at the end of March, beginning of May last year. Let’s tackle the weather/temperature cliché right away: In truth, it’s a little colder than in mainland France, but the temperatures aren’t overly cold. In terms of rainfall, it’s very similar to Nantes and the climate in Brittany: you can have all four seasons in one day. – I’ll tell you all about it in a few paragraphs 🙂 In simple terms, it can rain for 10 minutes and then the sun shines down on the cobbled streets of central Dublin.
The public transport system is very good. You can get around Dublin easily during your internship in Ireland. There are no underserved areas. You just need to know that the streetcar is called “LUAS” so you understand what’s being talked about when you’re given a direction or route and you’re good to go. Fun fact: people say hello to the bus driver as they get on – here everything is normal – but more noticeably, the locals say thank you and goodbye as they get off the bus! The first time I thought it was just a polite elderly lady or someone who knew the driver. But when I saw everyone else doing it, I quickly got the hang of it so as not to tarnish our already fine reputation as French people abroad. It takes a bit of courage, because Dubliners do it well intelligibly and out loud. Simply put, they make sure they’re heard. If, like me, you’re a fan of this kind of information, don’t hesitate to read the TOP 10 anecdotes in Ireland to find out more.
Dublin is a capital city, not the cheapest, but the cost of daily living is not exorbitant either. Apart from rents and energy costs (heating/electricity/water), prices are about average for a western European capital. I have to tell you about the electric shower system in Ireland, a real experience for me, as I’ve never been confronted with this kind of diablerie straight out of a probably tortured mind. As you can see, I’m never into abuse. Basically, it’s a system found in most showers in the capital. It looks like a radiator. A plastic block with a knob to set the temperature (very approximate, let’s be honest here), another to turn on the water (no flow variation, hello thick hair) and a hose with the shower palm. When you press on it, don’t be afraid and be brave, because it makes a noise like an angry lawnmower. It’s really weird to have an electrical appliance underwater, but don’t worry, it’s not my ghost writing these lines, so you’ll be fine.
Dublin is a rainy city with a warm heart. Yeah, I’m feeling like a poet… in fact, as I said in the intro, a little climate point. Dublin is located north of France. A fortiori, it will be colder there than in Marseille, but it’s not polar either. As for the rain, it can rain for 10 minutes, then be very windy and finally sunny. It’s a bit confusing to get dressed at first, but it’s basically the same as in Nantes or Brittany, so be prepared for all eventualities.
Okay, I get it, how’s life over there, what do you have to tell me?
Let’s get straight to the heart of the matter: the undeniable beauty of the Irish. Their humor is the kind that makes you laugh out loud, mixing self-mockery with subtlety. On the other hand, try not to mention the UK in the course of a conversation, as the subject is a touch sensitive: a historical dynamic that has left perceptible traces in culture and attitudes. S/O all the jokes and remarks I’ve heard in the course of discussions.
Basically, you’ll find in every Irish person a sparkling personality and a story to tell. In short, they’re as nice as can be.
Now let’s talk about a fact that pleasantly surprised me during my stay: Ireland is a very safe country. Whether you’re wandering around the center of Dublin or exploring a small village by the sea, you feel very safe. And you realize that tranquility is almost second nature here, which makes your experience even more peaceful at any time of the day or night.
I must warn you about one thing: expect a complete change of scenery. First of all, jogging suits are a no-no for a night on the town. Here, casual yet elegant attire is preferred. Locals go all out to shake the booty on the local dancefloor. But don’t be surprised if you come home early. Dublin’s pubs are famous for their tasty Guinness (it doesn’t taste the same as in France, and even among Irish pubs themselves, according to some locals!) and their live music shows. I even saw a tap show in an old Reformed church near the Spire (a central point that frequently serves as a Dublin landmark). Between the craic (Irish for good times, good company, good conversation) and the infectious friendliness of the locals, you’ll feel right at home in no time. You’ve got that special atmosphere that’s unique to a pub!
And for fans of rare meat, you’ll have to adapt. Here, we like our meat well done. I looked like a madman when, like a faggot, I saw fit to ask for my rare steak in my burger. People turned around, the moment was suspended, when the waiter finally broke the moment, generously, by explaining to me that it’s not done here, that the best that can serve me is medium rare. My shame doesn’t end there, no, no salefou. A woman turns around, taps me on the shoulder and looks at me with eyes as round as a dessert plate from grandma’s and with a repulsed look on her face “when you ask for rare, is it like you press on the meat and some juice comes out?” mimicking the gesture. In short, a great moment ptdrrr.
I have a little confession to make. Dublin airport slapped me in the face. Seriously, it’s huge. You feel like you’re in a small village, but no, it’s just the airport. You might spend a lot of time there, but don’t worry, you won’t get bored. There’s so much to see and do (hello souvenir stores), it’s almost an attraction in itself.
Enchanted interlude in Dublin 4 and Sandymount.
Something came up on the spot and I had to deal with an emergency and stay an extra night. I make this decision in the afternoon, but my AIRBNB reservation is coming to an end and there’s no way of extending it. On the fly, I book a hotel not far from where I was staying to avoid lugging my luggage all the way across town (knowing that I was staying in the East Wall district in D9 (understand Dublin 9ᵉ arrondissement here). Anyway, I come across a place close to the sea. I go there. The charming receptionist explains that I can walk along the beach and get to Sandymount for dinner in a pub he recommends. And then it dawns on me: there’s sea and beach in Dublin! Sandymount, and the whole area, is very quiet, far from the hustle and bustle of the city center, yet just a stone’s throw away. In short, a great time, which comforted me after a busy day.
So, as you can see, my stay in Dublin was one discovery after another, filled with wonder, laughter and, at times, a little confusion – but in the end, isn’t that what adventure is all about?
Would you like to hear what other members of Team International Horizons have to say about other destinations? You’re well advised! You can click here right now to read all the feedback from my colleagues and myself! Read here the one about the Greek session in Crete, or even the one about Berlin or Seb”s account of Puglia.
So get your waterproof jacket and your sense of humor ready, and go and meet the Dubliners. Follow the rhythm of the pubs, get lost in the cobbled streets, let yourself be surprised by the beauty of the Irish landscape and immerse yourself in this adventure. Believe me, you won’t regret it.
If you’d like to make up your own mind and do an internship in Ireland, you know what to do: contact us bg.ette