Hello Mate! You are here because you are struggling to finance your internship abroad and you would like to have some solutions? So we’re going to do this in two steps: 1) you’re going to listen to this short video and take acting lessons thanks to Sébastien. 2) If you don’t get it and you want more details about scholarships, look for your region just below, and a few lines of reading to find the key to happiness! This article is for 2017 – 2018, so if you come across it in 5 years: #Deso.
Link to the great video that kills: HERE.
Financing his internship abroad: Auvergne – Rhône-Alpes
Are you from Auvergne? Tough luck. (Haaaaaaaaaaaan we’re kidding ! We love the Auvergne, its volcanoes, Montluçon … !) But hey, a little anyway ; we tell you why.
For the 2017-2018 school year, the Auvergne region’s international mobility aid is merging with the Rhône-Alpes region’s “Explora’Sup” programme:
– allocated without a resource ceiling;
– 36 consecutive weeks maximum;
– 95 € per week, a flat-rate grant of 530 € is added for students with a scholarship;
– can be cumulated with all other grants;
– a grant intended more for study stays but which can be awarded for internships if the home institution validates the application.
To finance an internship abroad: Bourgogne Franche-comté
Besançon, its good mood and its street art show, but also its scholarships to help you, student in search of mobility!
– awarded according to the family quotient, which must be less than or equal to €25,830, and the destination ;
– the amount is calculated according to the destination and the family quotient: from 380 euros/month maximum for internship stays to 230 euros/month maximum for study stays ;
– for stays between 3 and 10 months;
– the grant from the Ministry of National Education and the Erasmus grant can be cumulated, but not with any other regional aid.
Financing an internship abroad: Brittany
Young lover of Festival Interceltique, Kouign-amann and other sweets of which only the greatest druids have the secret. Apart from the fact that you were born in the most beautiful region of the world (my colleagues look over my shoulder and try to stop me from being a Breton chauvinist!) you are lucky, you also have the right to get grants for your mobility.
A first part of the scheme is aimed at students in BTS and DUT: it consists of a monthly grant of 200 € and a flat-rate start-up grant of 150 €, for stays of up to 2 months.
The terms and conditions for bachelor’s and master’s students change:
– a monthly grant of 200 € per month ;
– for stays of 80 consecutive days minimum and 10 months maximum;
– cannot be combined with any other public aid (European, national, regional, departmental or local).
In both cases, this grant is awarded regardless of means.
Financing your internship abroad: Centre-Val de Loire
Bourges. The diagonal of the void. #Deso but I have nothing to tell.# I hope that my eternal friend Raphaëlle will soon come across this article to see that I denigrate her region quite deliberately. But we’re kidding, we love you in the Centre! I have – the author! – even already worked for a while on your side of the house. Truce de vie, here are your scholarships!
– 175 euros/month for a stay in Europe and 260 euros/month for a mobility outside Europe;
– no means test;
– plus a 50% increase if the student goes to one of the priority areas of cooperation.
– is aimed at students who wish to carry out a study mobility (3 months minimum) or a traineeship (4 weeks minimum);
– cannot be combined with Erasmus + traineeship grants.
Financing your internship abroad: Corsica
Magnificent in summer, mild in winter: what a beautiful region! We love it. Moreover, in terms of mobility scholarship guys, you are rather quiet Emile!
– granted without any conditions of resources;
– calculated on the basis of 100 € per week, but the payment is made in one go before departure, depending on the destination;
– for stays from one week to twelve months;
– cannot be cumulated with the grant from the Ministry of Education.
Financing your internship abroad: Grand Est
In addition to unifying the territory, they unified the aids! Well Done guys!
– flat-rate aid, without condition of resources, according to the nature and duration of the stay: 500 € for a study stay of at least 16 weeks, 400 € for internships of 12 to 15 weeks and 800 € for internships of 16 weeks or more ;
– In addition, there is an extra 200 € when the student has a scholarship, and 100 € if he or she does an internship in a border country (Germany, Belgium, Luxembourg, Switzerland);
Financing your internship abroad: Hauts-de-France
Guys, to be honest, three months ago I would have laughed at the region like I never would have. But, since then I’ve been to Lille, Dunkirk, Calais and Oye-Plage, and frankly: beautiful! I love you.
– attributed to students whose tax home does not declare more than €30,000 of taxable income per fiscal share ;
– monthly aid up to €92.40 per week, the amount is degressive according to the family quotient ;
– cannot be combined with other financial aid from the region, nor with the Ministry grant.
Financing your internship abroad: Ile de France
OK, the Navigo pass has increased a little, but the Region is keeping its mobility aids: good news for you, wanting to finance your internship abroad!
– the aid is reserved for households that are not taxable or whose family quotient is less than or equal to 19 190 euros ;
– the grant is monthly and is between €250 and €450;
– it cannot exceed ten months;
– cannot be cumulated with the grant from the Ministry of National Education.
Financing your internship abroad: Normandy
The cousins of the Bretons! So we take out our altercation about Mont Saint Mich’ and everything’s fine! Here are your mobility grants for a perfect internship abroad:
– reserved for students whose family quotient is less than or equal to 30 000 €;
– the amount of the grant depends on the destination, for the Erasmus + programme it consists of a flat-rate grant of 200 € plus a weekly grant of 40 €. For stays outside Erasmus, the flat-rate grant is €400, the weekly grant remains the same;
– the cumulation of this aid with the Erasmus grant and the Ministry grant is possible, however the student will not be able to benefit from other regional aid.
Financing your internship abroad: Nouvelle Aquitaine
Bordeaux, Lacanau, Cap Ferret … 3 years of my life studying in this beautiful region ! Which, moreover, is not to be outdone when it comes to mobility aids, so enjoy!
– 80% of this grant is awarded mainly on social criteria, but it is not necessary to be a CROUS scholarship holder. The remaining 20% is for students going to regions specifically targeted in the framework of international cooperation policies by their institution:
– the stays must be between three and nine months;
– the amount is 400 € per month;
– it cannot be cumulated with the Ministry’s grant, nor with the Erasmus grant.
Financing your internship abroad: Occitania
No merging at the aid level before the end of the year, but in the meantime, you can still consult the current programs!
In the former Midi Pyrénées region, aid is granted :
– on social criteria;
– for a study stay whatever the destination (Europe and outside)
– it is 70 € weekly;
– for internships, a flat-rate aid is offered to students: 300 € for a stay between 6 and 11 weeks and 600 € for a stay of at least three months;
– this aid cannot be combined with the Erasmus grant.
The former Languedoc-Roussillon region grants each year a global envelope to higher education institutions, which decide on the amount and the award criteria. It is therefore necessary to contact each institution’s international relations department to find out the details.
As an example, the aid granted to the Paul Valéry University in Montpellier is 900 € when the student is doing an exchange semester and 1,800 € if he or she is going for a full year. All students who wish to go on mobility, with no income ceiling.
Financing their internship abroad: Pays de la Loire
THE hype region of the moment; with a Nantes vs Lyon match coming up! But what a beautiful region as the castle of the Dukes of Brittany. And, you can get great help for your internship abroad:
– This program offers a flat-rate grant of between €500 and €1,000 depending on the other grants received by the student, and up to €2,000 for students with a scholarship.
– the stay must be for at least three consecutive months
– all destinations are eligible
– this scholarship cannot be combined with the international mobility grant from the Ministry of Education
Financing your internship abroad: PACA
The PACA region provided financial aid for study and internship stays until 2015-2016 via the student mobility aid programme (Prame), but in 2016-2017 this grant was limited to internship mobility. The region has set up a transitional aid for study stays, which it is not known at present whether it will be renewed for next year:
– This aid is intended for students whose family quotient is less than or equal to 24,000 €;
– it is necessary to have been a student in the region for at least one year, or to have obtained a baccalaureate in PACA;
– the amount is a maximum of 100 € per week for a tax household in the PACA region and 75 € if the tax household is outside the region, bearing in mind that the grant is calculated on the basis of the family quotient;
– the stay must be from 8 to 20 weeks;
– it cannot be combined with any other grant.
Thank you the regions! And don’t forget to check with your town halls, communes, universities, schools: there is always a way to get help! And even if there is nothing, International Horizons finds the solution: free and without obligation. Contact us there
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