Humanitarian experience in Africa : add value to your career path
You wish to engage yourself into a humanitarian experience or an internship abroad, more precisely in Africa ? Especially for you, we made a little list of reasons that will convince and help you take this important decision !
For a start, there is plenty and plenty of humanitarian projects you can commit to ! Africa is unfortunately still the continent with the most undeveloped countries. In deed the situation tends to get better, but there is still needs in medical and social matters, education, building…You don’t have to be qualified, just the guts !
Secondly, it’s without saying that it is highly recommended to participate to such experiences if you want to add value to your CV. It’s a trip (not a vacation one obviously) that will benefit you in terms of life experience and skills, which is no small matter for employers ! It’s also another argument to have an international level in your future career.
Plus it’s the opportunity to get out of your comfort zone and to be aware. It will help you in your personal development. The experience you will live, surely will help you to be more open minded. Face the reality on the ground, instead of believing the clichés people have on Africa.
To travel abroad within the scope of an humanitarian experience, will bring you closer to the local culture and you will really understand it. It will also allow you to integrate easily the basics of the local language. You will witness the real face of Africa !
Wonderful landscapes, rich cultures and various ethnic groups await you in this huge continent…Don’t hesitate to check up specialized websites on humanitarian missions if you need more informations, and feel free to contact us (for internships abroad, cultural stays, etc…) !