Hello! International Horizons is celebrating its second school year: and for 2018/2019, some very heavy stuff is arriving. New destinations, new projects, even more trips and still as much love as ever that we’re going to hand out to you like candy at a fair. I hope your little heart is well hung: call Alice, we’re taking you straight to dreamland!
More destinations for your internship abroad
Because yes, we can never get enough of satisfying the great adventurer that you are, so we keep opening doors to take you to the ends of the earth. The new destinations are Mali, Zambia and South Africa for your internship in Africa. For your internship in Asia, we thought that a country where you can work up to 70 hours a week will give you the greatest pleasure: welcome to South Korea. And finally, because we didn’t just want to participate in the promotion of maracas, we’re also going to introduce you to Shakira during your internship in Colombia!
More international projects
Because in addition to being the cheapest placement agency in France, International Horizons is a ball for European youth! So 2018-2019 (and beyond!) we are launching three pharaonic projects: Hyphen Towards Future to reform the Bratislava Charter, Undertake To Learn to insert entrepreneurship as an educational method and finally ATANASOV so that students can create supranational companies. Do you want some more? Greedy. And you’re quite right: these are just the projects we’re carrying out, the ones we’re participating in, we’ll leave you a little more suspense.
More trips
After Lyon, Lille, Bordeaux, … already we come back, don’t get excited, and we also go to the chocolate-eating side and then I’m off to give a kiss to Kenny Arkana: Toulouse, Marseille, we’re coming. And at the instaurer level, we’re going to make you dream again from Macedonia, Ireland, Italy, Poland, Spain … and still other destinations that we’ll keep you in reserve. But don’t be disappointed, there are also trips for you: this year again, we will win 2 trips for our followers on Facebook, Insta or Twitter.
To follow all the news …
If you want to read more, go there 😉