Mexico vs USA: find your internship abroad
If you too are looking for an internship abroad, and you are attracted by America; this article opposing Mexico VS the USA will help you make your choice! Vamos! Mexico is a beautiful country where you can visit archaeological treasures, swim in the Caribbean Sea or the Pacific Ocean and discover the traditional music of the Mariachi. This charming country has all the assets to seduce you! Wow! While the United States are famous for their drive-ins, their coffee to go, not to mention that everything is open 7 days a week and 24 hours a day, that’s why we decided to organize a little game to enlighten you.
Mexico vs USA: Match 1
Did you know that Mexico is full of lush nature? Have you ever Googled “Cenote in Mexico”? Have you? Well, it’s about time. You’ll understand that with landscapes like this, you can’t help but notice positive consequences on the health of the population. As for US cities, very overpopulated and very urbanized, we are not exactly in the most total zenitude. And on top of that (cuckoo ecology) we can see that their percentage of waste and pollution are increasing sharply. Boom.
Mexico vs USA: Match 2
Do you know Mexico? Its cultural life? Well, it’s simple we connect it to a festive life thanks to cities like Cancun, hihi! Conversely, the USA is more focused on hot dog contests, American football matches.
Mexico vs USA : Match 3
The best part is that in Mexico, you can find beer, coffee, tequila, but also quesadillas, tortillas and tacos, yummy ! Whereas in the United States, “What are we eating?” Well, it’s cheesecakes, hamburgers, hot dogs, all the fat food.
Mexico vs USA : Match 4
Let’s talk little, let’s talk good! From an administrative point of view, in Mexico, if your internship lasts less than or equal to 180 days or 6 months, you don’t need a visa, those tip top, don’t you? Who says, no visa, says less paperwork! While in the USA, we have to do the visa drudgery! Yes, it’s mandatory… And it’s not over yet, because the duration of your stay which must not exceed 90 days.
To sum up, you probably dreamed of one day to set foot in the USA! After this little duel, Mexico was able to get out of the game. So if you want a cool course, in an organized structure and with access to the turquoise ocean and its magnificent sea bed, you’re in for a snorkeling experience! If you are tempted by this splendid destination, go ahead and contact the Team.
If you want to read more, It’s there 🙂