You dream of going on an internship in Asia, and more specifically for an internship in South Korea: let’s go my friend! Welcome on this blog to learn more about culture through this Top 10 anecdotes about South Korea.
The relationship to poop
You didn’t expect it… South Korea is fascinated by excrement. You can find it on telephones, through bakeries and even a museum is entirely dedicated to it!
In Western societies, you have 1 day 24 hours after your birth. Not in South Korea, on the day of its birth, the baby celebrates its first birthday.
The weight
Only 3.2% of the population is overweight. After Japan, it is therefore the country in the world with the fewest overweight individuals.
If you think that make-up is only for girls, you are wrong, and even more so in South Korea where almost 21% of the male population uses make-up regularly.
The number 4
That’s the unlucky number in South Korea!
Blind dates
In South Korea it is very common to make blind (love!) dates, and in groups. So put away Tinder, and get ready to meet your soul mate blindfolded! Koreans don’t attach much importance to the physical appearance and consider these dates as an opportunity for greater transparency and osmosis.
Shopping malls
The country has monstrous shopping malls, among the largest on the planet! Great shopping enthusiasts, Koreans can continue to shop in stores until 4am, even though most restaurants close their doors before midnight.
The sweet potato
It’s South Korea’s flagship food! They use it in all sauces: dishes, starters, desserts, pizzas, milk … everything is possible with this magic ingredient.
The roofs
They end slightly curved, to give the appearance of a smile 🙂
The favourite sport in South Korea is Taekwondo!
Do you want to find out more about South Korea? Then let’s go for your internship abroad! And you can add a few things to this Top 10 list of South Korea anecdotes! For your internship in Asia, contact International Horizons.