Why should I do an internship in Europe ? Hi Chalut young friend! You are here because you want to go abroad for an internship ASAP and you ask why do an internship in Europe? So you are at the good place ! International Horizons tells you everything in a few lines like Father Castor to his little castorounets; then take a sit, and read.
You’re a student, you do not have a lot of money?
“Yeah it’s clichééééé” Certainly. But, it’s still often true! And since money should not be a drag, especially in Education, International Horizons has THE solution. Europe is cheap: the Baltic countries, Malta, South-East Europe, Eastern Europe! So much destination for an internship abroad that opens to you. Tickets are not expensive, we have good plans for A / R less than 100 € all over Europe!
“Europe is not out of the ordinary”
Wowow wow WOW Lolilol! So here, we stop you from going far to take an intercultural slap. Or even discover landscapes radically different from ours! Already imagine the difference between southerners and northerners in France! So, project yourself on the difference between Iceland and Slovenia! Europe has beautiful corners, and it’s precisely THE place to be to discover other cultures! More than 40 countries come together in such a small space, so many cultures, and accessible stories.
Your criteria: fun, cheap, internship at the top, change?
And you still ask us why do an internship in Europe? Cities that meet all these criteria, we know some of them in the International Horizons team! Here, we are all globe-trotters, and we promise you something already: we find you THE stage on the destination, otherwise, we pack, without even you pay 10 balls! You know now why do an internship in Europe! So, to contact us, free, and without commitment : let’s subscribe !