Doing your engineering internship in Hungary? You’re wondering? Hungary, despite its exacerbated nationalism and the antics of Victor Orban, is a country that attracts, and has many assets to. Here’s an overview.
Why do your engineering internship in Hungary?
Hungary is centrally located in Europe and, like Romania and Portugal, has many factories on its territory. In addition, the economy is relatively well developed, and is becoming more and more beautiful as the years go by, certainly boosted by European money. Hungary therefore offers a complete range of engineering internships; however, you will have to favour large cities like Budapest to find an English-speaking team, unless, of course, you speak Hungarian!
Doing an engineering internship in Hungary: the cost of living
Despite a rising cost of living, Hungary remains very attractive for the French, and more generally for Western Europeans. Access to culture is cheap, as well as rents; restaurants and bars are on the other hand quite expensive compared to the standard of living, but remain for sure much more accessible than in France.
Do an engineering internship in Hungary: the premises
Like most Central European countries, unfortunately, outside the big cities, there is not much racism and homophobia. So don’t hesitate for your internship in Hungary, you will be as surprised as we are! No doubt you will have a good internship abroad there, we guarantee it. So contact us ?